As part of our Christmas we decided to go on the Eagle Tours Friday Farewell cruise. Can I say.... IT WAS AWESOME!!!! 100 Thanks to Rachel for watching little Holdyn ALL DAY so we could go on this cruise.

As part of our Christmas we decided to go on the Eagle Tours Friday Farewell cruise. Can I say.... IT WAS AWESOME!!!! 100 Thanks to Rachel for watching little Holdyn ALL DAY so we could go on this cruise.
Posted by
Cluff Family
5:03 PM
Obviously she gets her smile... and the rest of the
mischieveousness from her daddy!
Posted by
Cluff Family
4:42 PM
Okay, to start off, today, Ben and I went to the highly recommended, Good Life Spa, in Maho, for a couples massage. I still feel completely relaxed! It was GREAT!!!
Posted by
Cluff Family
4:06 PM
Ben passed his 3rd semester of Medical School with flying colors!! This is supposed to be "the hardest semester" from what we hear, and he did the BEST he's done soo far!!
WE LOVE YOU BEN and we are soo proud of all that you are accomplishing!!!
Posted by
Cluff Family
7:56 AM
Holdyn has been sicker than sick! She started out with a very nasty headcold.... she produced more mucus than I've seen in awhile... Then she started vomiting... she even vomited at the Dr's office, and on the way there and on the way home. It was an interesting few days. One thing that we finally tried that calmed her down was for Ben to take her on scooter rides.
She absolutely loved it! She'd cry and cry and cry and we'd just about tried everything we could think of... but the scooter worked every time. Anyway, she is back to feeling somewhat normal... which we are VERY thankful for.
We also put up a few decorations. I'll have to take some more pictures to give you the full effect. We can't find a lot of decorations... the ones we do find are expensive SO we bought two packs of construction paper and went to town! Anyway, here is out "charlie Brown" Christmas tree. It is small, simple and will work out perfectly for the Holiday's. Holdyn is still in her PJ's in this picture... and she came out and saw the lights and wasn't sure what to think... she was soo fun to watch. Her face was filled with excitement.
Anyway, other than that things are good. A few more details on the pregnancy, we are due sometime the middle of June, which puts me at 11 weeks along. I've been pretty lucky and haven't been too sick... up and down, but not too bad. We've also been doing research on the Dr's/midwives in the area. Most of the girls we know who've had babies here have had C-sections. We recently found out why the Dr's are soo aggressive with them. There is no infant ICU...if the infant has any problems they have to life flight them to South America. So if the delivery is going longer than normal, the Dr's don't want to put any stress on the infant, so they take it C-section. We REALLY don't want to be forced into taking that route, so we are lookig into the midwife at the hospital. We will see. There is also the other stuff like getting this kid a passport to come back to the good old USA. Since we are due about 1 month before we are finished on this island we've got some paperwork to get ready AKA getting the birth certificate translated into English and meeting with the US consolate for the passport, when they are on the island. We're going to be busy that last month! Anyway, that's about it for now!
Oh, one more thing! We have 2 Elders/ missionaries missing on Martinique. They've been gone since Monday... they went out for a hike and never returned. We know one of them very well since he's been to our place a few times for dinner before he was transferred. Anyway, keep them in your prayers!!!
Posted by
Cluff Family
12:26 PM
We are still alive and doing well, the water situation is still "being worked on" but at least our landlord has a cystern water back up. So we've had running water! YIPPEE!! We've also had a LONG week. Holdyn has been very sick.... she started out with a very bad headcold.... more mucus than I've seen in awhile... and then she started vomiting mucus. It was awful. We took her to the Dr. where she continued to vomit in the car on the way there AND while we were waiting at the Dr's office... luckily I got her outside before she lost it! Anyway, enough about that... she is doing much better!!
We also purchased our humble Christmas tree and put it up. Holdyn was asleep when we got it put together and when she woke up she was soo excited to see the lights.
Posted by
Cluff Family
4:43 AM