Things have been going pretty well. Last weekend, however, my tummy started to feel like it was going to fall out the bottom :) (Hence no morning walks) I started having a lot of pressure "down low." After a few days of it not getting any better we went into the midwife. She sent us for some tests and for another ultrasound. It is definitely a girl. Also, I have another bacterial infection and my placenta is sitting very low. They say there is still time for it to rise, but it is sitting right on the cervix... causing the pressure every time I stand. So, I'm on a 'take it easy' order.... which is kind of hard with a crazy-wild toddler. But we're doing the best we can. :) Hopefully it gets better soon. I'm going nuts not being able to stand for more than a couple minutes at a time, and I definitely don't want to be put on bedrest. Plus, I don't want to have to worry about the medical facilities being advanced enough to deal with any problems. Not much else going on right now. Just trying to take it easy :)
Friday, March 28, 2008
Bit of an Update...
Things have been going pretty well. Last weekend, however, my tummy started to feel like it was going to fall out the bottom :) (Hence no morning walks) I started having a lot of pressure "down low." After a few days of it not getting any better we went into the midwife. She sent us for some tests and for another ultrasound. It is definitely a girl. Also, I have another bacterial infection and my placenta is sitting very low. They say there is still time for it to rise, but it is sitting right on the cervix... causing the pressure every time I stand. So, I'm on a 'take it easy' order.... which is kind of hard with a crazy-wild toddler. But we're doing the best we can. :) Hopefully it gets better soon. I'm going nuts not being able to stand for more than a couple minutes at a time, and I definitely don't want to be put on bedrest. Plus, I don't want to have to worry about the medical facilities being advanced enough to deal with any problems. Not much else going on right now. Just trying to take it easy :)
Posted by
Cluff Family
9:29 AM
Saturday, March 22, 2008
Posted by
Cluff Family
5:43 PM
Sunday, March 16, 2008
Heineken Regatta!
Posted by
Cluff Family
12:27 PM
Surprise Shower #2

Posted by
Cluff Family
12:02 PM
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
The Ultra sound says.....
Well, we had an ultra sound yesterday and it wasn't very clear and the Dr. Could only get one angle on the "area" being examined..... so with that.... we are at a solid 90% that it is another GIRL!!! YIPPEE!! They also said things were measuring a bit small, they didn't push my due date back, but thought about moving it to the first week in July. Things were much better with the Midwife this week too. She might have even cracked a smile while I was in the office... it was hard to be sure. They also gave me a list of what I will need when I deliver the baby...... yep, I have to bring EVERYTHING.... from my own sheets, towells, washcloths, soap, pillows, gowns, diapers, etc........ pretty much everything but the matress... for me and for the new baby. Maybe I'll copy the list and post it. It's pretty different from the first time around where you don't really bring much and you come home with two or 3 diaperbags full of free stuff from the hospital. I guess I've just been spoiled :) Okay, that is the update for now. Things are going good and other than heartburn 24/7 I can't complain!
Posted by
Cluff Family
11:02 AM
Sunday, March 9, 2008
We Love You Guys!!!
This is my Brother, Jason, and his awesome family! We sure miss them! They've had a very exciting weekend! Their baby girl, Brielle, is finally all theirs. The adoption is final. They were sealed as a family in the St. George Temple on Friday. On Saturday, Bridger was baptized, and today Brielle was blessed in church. We are soooo sad we could not be there with you guys! We hope it all went well and can't wait to hear all about it! We Love You!!!
Posted by
Cluff Family
9:46 AM
Wednesday, March 5, 2008
Fun Church Business :)

Posted by
Cluff Family
6:06 PM
Planes and Boats!
Posted by
Cluff Family
4:45 PM