We made it this afternoon and we've been busy preparing ever since! The girls LOVED helping Grandma in their aprons with the home made rolls and pies!!

Above is Holdyn's 'Thanksful Turkey' and
below is Kimber's.
I love this time of year to reflect on what I'm thankful for! One of those
amazing blessings I have is our little Holdyn. She is such an awesome helper and big sister.
She is almost always willing to help with anything...even without being asked. She loves to clean and help daddy with ANYTHING outside. Holdy-locks is very sensitive and aware of other's feelings. She is so good about stopping what she is doing and sitting with Kimber while she does her vest and breathing treatments.
It is no fun for Kimber to have to be pulled away from kids playing, but Holdyn almost always comes along with her so she isn't alone.
I am also thankful for little Kimber and that Kimber's health is currently so great!
She is getting better about doing her 30 minute long treatments morning and night and she takes ALL of her medicines like a champ. She even reminds us to give her her enzymes before
she eats. She is growing like a weed and we are so thankful for her!