Little Holdyn has discovered the art of standing/pulling herself up and sidestepping along things.
It is getting hard to keep a close eye on minute
She is here..the next she is there.
I try to keep her on our rug...since it is the softest place to fall, and she has mastered the art of falling too!
There is nothing worse than hearing the "Thud" then WAHH!
It is a good thing she is a toughie!
She'll be walking on her own before we know it!
I cant believe how big she is getting. She is so cute.
Just a week ago she was scooting around the floor and now she's standing & walking along things. How fast she's growing. We probably kept her on the go too much last week so she didn't get to practice her walking moves. She still looks like our happy little granddaughter! Love, Mom
OH i love it!! JIlly she is so so So CUTE!!!! watch out she'll be wanting to run down the beach before you Know it!!
luv ya!!
She is so cute! I can't believe shej is getting so big! How fun! I can't wait to see her again! I love the blonde hair! Her chubby legs are so cute!
Holdyn is such a doll! What a cutie! Give her a big hug from all of us!
I like this page better....I think I'll use this instead. But I'll play around with it first.
I like this blog web because I already have google account. I'l play with it and see if I like it. :)
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