Lately Holdyn can't handle just
watching mom and dad talk on the phone.... it doesn't matter where she is in the apt. As soon as one of us dial a number or the phone rings she is there wanting her turn to listen. Here she is listening to Auntie Mindy. She yells out until she gets the phone to her ear then she is just quiet, listens, and with a big GRIN.
Since we are moving in a few weeks and Ben won't be able to walk the distance to the University... we just invested in an island scooter!! Check this thing out! I'll get some action shots with Ben driving it later... but here she is!!
We've also got some distgusting bugs running around like... AHHH this nasty centipede! Luckily this isn't our house... but a fellow student was lucky enough to have this one IN HIS APT!!!! (thanks for the picture Nicole).
Here is a clump of nasty snails just outside of our apt. After it rains they all come out.... we have to walk through them "crunch crunch" to get to the car :)
So we're lucky enough to the Centipedes, snails, huge-flying cockroaches, a wild monkey, spoiled milk, power outages, water outages, and lots more fun things to make this island experience one to remember!!
Scooters are VERY popular here. People drive crazy on them! They go in and out of may not believe it but local guys even do wheelies down the road on their scooters... not motorcycles.... scooters!! It is quite hillarious actually!
On another note.... I've read a lot from some of you about the power going out in St. George. I definitely feel for you!
We have poweroutages quite often... the longest one was almost 3 days..... It was AWFUL!! Here is Holdyns chest...eaten alive by misquito's from the hot humid night we had without power. Our latest adventure is with the water. It goes on and off all of the time! We didn't have water three different days this past week. Sadly, it isn't that surprising when the water OR power goes off. It is a good thing we have
our water storage!!! This picture is the water whenever it comes back on.... would you bathe your baby in this or worse drink it!? I think NOT!! This is how it looks quite often coming out of our taps... YUCK!!
On another note.... I've read a lot from some of you about the power going out in St. George. I definitely feel for you!

This sounds like a lot of whining... but I just
want to clarify.... many people think we just play and go to the beach and life is a vacation... NOT SO! We do enjoy the beautiful island beaches.... that is when Ben can afford to take an afternoon off... But living here and vacationing here are two VERY different things!
We for sure don't have anything to complain about here... 4 hours compaired to 3 days. Let me just shut my mouth! Gross bugs - Gross Water - Gross snails - Cute Monkey - Poor Holden - Beautiful View! Love it!
What do you mean we don't sit on our butts all day long? Man, I have been doing the wrong thing. LOL Just teasing girl. Yah the island life isn't all it is cracked up to be, but what an adventure huh?
Amen to all of that! You've definitely got one up on me with the monkeys...and the crazy water.
Yay! i made your Blog!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
And i love cute Holdyns BIG smile, her eyes close just like her mom's do and Gramma Bakers do when they smile!!!! hee hee!!
and you are a braver woman than i'll ever know how i feel about bugs, monkeys, snails, water/power outtages and the like I wouldn't survive!!!! love ya sister! and CANT WAIT UNTIL YOU COME AND VISIT US!!!!!!!!! only what? 2 weeks or so???!?!?!?!?!?
Hip, Hip....
Yup, only jealous when you get to snorkel and do all the beach stuff...all the creepy crawly things, not so much!! Totally gross about the water too! You are one tough women.
The crazy, scooter drivers is totally a Carribean thing! In the D.R. I was sure I was going to see accident after accident!
Oh the picture of the centipede made me jump back from my computer... eww!!
Jill, your so brave! I'm pretty sure between the water and the bugs I would have been in tears and a whinning wife but you seem to take it all very well!
Actually Erie is sounding better and better! Wow. I always knew you were tougher than me! You are my hero Jill!
Jill sounds like A LOT of fun! LOL! I bet you can't wait to come to the states! I can't wait to see you and Holdyn! She is getting so big!
ew yuck. Are you going to go back after August? just joking.
Brave women I don't even know if the beautiful beaches the snorkeling would make up for the things you have had to deal with. I don't do bugs well at all speacially the ones I have never seen before.
I hear ya Jill!! ;) Except I don't even have a beach life!!! What the heck!! ;)
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