Friday, February 15, 2008

It was a Happy Valentine's Day!!

We had a great Valentine's Day!  Holdyn and I went to a Valentine Party put on by some friends while Ben was at School.  There were a lot of girls there and it was very fun to see them all!

Here are Stephanie and Rachel and me (I'm the chubby one on the right) just before the rain hit. It was great to go out with them!
This is me and my Valentine!  I love you Ben!!

It is official, I am strictly to take the pictures and avoid being in them at all costs!  Objects in photo's are Larger than they appear :)  
Okay in my defense I am 21 weeks pregnant and I'm excited to say I've been walking at least 2 miles every morning with Rachel... and I've only gained 1 lb since I found out I was pregnant.... I've still got plenty of butt and thigh to go around, but hey, hopefully I don't gain another 60 lbs with this kiddo!  Okay, I'm done for now......

We hope you all had a Happy Valentine's day too!


Heidi said...

Ok jill your not chubby, Just cute and pregnat. You look way cute. It looks like you guys had a fun night. Holden looks bigger everytime I see her. She is so cute.I can't believe your already that far along. How have you been feeling?

Morgan said...

Whatever, you look great!! Good job for walking so much, doesn't it make all the difference in how you feel??

Glad you had such a fun V'day!

jaesi said...

shush Jill. You look so cute!
Oh, parties, island life!
Have you found out what you are having yet?

Cluff Family said...

jaesi... as for what i'm having.... the Midwife yelled at me last time I asked her if I could go have an ultra-sound... so I won't be finding out for at least 4 more weeks.... it is moments like that, I wonder if having the baby on this #%@# island is really going to be worth it. J/K I did cry because she isn't the nicest midwife around (but she is the ONLY one) I was just extra sensitive because I was pregnant AND she answered my questions like I was an idiot.... I felt like she was treating me like I shouldn't reproduce. It'll be okay though :) Just another day on St. Maarten "The Friendly Island!"

Pam from Over the Big Moon said...

Another 4 weeks?!? Are you serious Jill? I would be going out of my mind. I don't know how people don't find out. You do looks so cute pregnant! Sounds like you guys had a great V-Day!

Emma said...

First of all, you look stinking beautiful!! I can't believe you are 21 weeks, you look great!

Spencer and Mindy said...

Yay! a Baby belly pic! i've been waiting for one!! wahoo! you Look GREAT sister!!
Glad you had a GREAT Loverbirds day!

so call me and tell me about this midwife yelling at you...hee hee!!
oh and go to
That's my midwife's web site! she rocks!!

Stucki Family said...

JILL BAKER! Hey, this is Renae (Goodwin) Stucki! I haven't seen or talked to you forever! You looke beautiful, your daughter is adorable, your husband is a hottie and you guys look so happy! Congrats! I started a blog in January so come and visit mine!

Vagabond Mother said...

It looks so pretty- I'm glad you had a warm Valentines! You also look great, Jill. That's awesome you are walking so much.

The Isoms said...

Glad to hear you had a great valentines day! You look great and ONE pound?! Great!

Sara :) said...

Jill, you look really good. I hope your feeling well. I'm glad you guys had a great valentines day!