BON BINI!! That is Curacao's Slogan.... it means Welcome! Ben, Kimber and I successfully made it to the US Embassy in Curacao and back during the last few days. We left Thursday night on DAE (Dutch Antille's Express) Airline. Our local friends warned us about this airline.... they always have delays. Our trip was no exception. We had delays going over to Curacao and coming back... but hey, we made it!We arrived after Dark on Thursday evening and got our rental car all situated. Since we were on another foreign island in the dark... we had no idea where to go. But with my sweet skills in navigation and Ben's island driving skills... we made it to the Plaza Hotel, after only a few wrong turns :)
We didn't realize how beautiful everything was until the next morning. Yes, it rained most of our visit there, but we still had a great time. This is a bridge we went over about a dozen times trying to find the hotel and the embassy. It was pretty neat to see the huge boats just beneath us as we drove over. It was nice to be on REAL roads again. Roads that didn't have speed bumps every 100 yards and not many pot holes that can swollow your car whole. There were even two lanes in some places.... wow... a real step up from St. Maarten!
Here I am with Kimber on our balcony. It was a very pretty and clean island compared to St. Maarten. The only problem was that not everyone spoke English and we don't speak any Dutch, Creole, Spanish and whatever else they were speaking.
These pictures of the Coy pond were inside the lobby of the hotel. The lobby was VERY nice... the room had some issues and a foul smell but we were just glad to lie down! There was a live band playing just outside beneath our balcony until about 2am. We definitely could have done without that, but we were so tired that we slept through some of it anyway.
Here is the view from the US Embassy. If it had been a clear day we could have seen Venezuela in the distance over the ocean. Our hotel is the tall building almost in the center of the picture. I didn't get any good pictures of the embassy because it was just surrounded by a huge gated/wall and we couldn't take our camera inside. We did meet up with the consulate, who was a very nice guy from New Orleans. He took great care of us and we were on our way in just about a half hour. It was nice to be on US soil for just a short time. You definitely feel a difference when you walked in the gates. We sure love the USA!

We pounded down the ribs and never looked back.... it was definitely one of the highlights of our short trip.

Glad everything is taken care of so you can bring that cute little girl home next month!
BTW.. Jill you are looking great for just having that baby!
can't wait to see you guys!
Im glad you guys got that all taken care of so you can bring sweet Kimber back. We can't wait to see you guys.
Looks like you had a good time! I'm sure that you are glad that you got that done! Miss you! Hope to see you again soon.
Wow, that place is beautiful! What a fun little trip. I'm glad Ben pronounced Curacao on the video clip, so I could learn how to say it (I was way off). I love that you and Kimber are in the video clip too, that was so sweet to see.
just another day in the life of the Caribbean Cluffs!
Kimber is just beautiful and teency!
yay! glad you had only Minor flight, and navigation issues!
*loved the 'bay view' from your hotel!! sweet!!
see you SOON!!
David's brother served in Curacao for part of his mission, but I had no idea it was so beautiful! Looks like it was a fun trip!
Glad to see you made it back and with Kimber's papers. I hope you all are ready to come home. The USA misses you.
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