Well, I'm not going to lie..... Holdyn didn't have the greatest picture day... but they still turned out pretty cute :)

Kimber was a champ thanks to Aunt Serena making her smile.

Here is one of their best shots.

Here is another goodie.... both are NOT happy.

Here is Ben's dad and his brothers.

The Merlin/MaryAnne Cluff family.

Finally, here is Gram and Gramp Carr, with Mary Anne and Merlin and their eight kids.
Atleast there is one good lookin boy in that family and his wife sure is hot!
Great pictures! Ben has a huge family...I guess its not much bigger than yours huh?!
Cute family pictures!
Ya, you guys look good! Your photos are just darling! You'll have to check mine out when we get them back and I get them posted :) Ya, and "you're welcome". See ya soon!
Hey Jill - just wanted to say Hi! I heard you were now living in Kanab/Fredonia (the entertainment capital of the world, I'm sure). It was great seeing you at the parks!
Great pictures! Someday I could have a family that big.
Such a darling family. Your girlies are so cute. How goes itin Fredonia? It is good and cold out here.
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