Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Memorial Day
Posted by
Cluff Family
5:26 AM
Thursday, May 21, 2009
The Reese's house
This is where the girls and I spend most of our time :) Thanks again to Jared and Whitni for letting us stay with them! The weather has been perfect for playing outside... and since Holdyn has her new bike that is where she wants to be...alllll day :) Kimber is just happy to be here.... wherever she is. SHe has been doing great and can't wait to be able to keep up with her sister... she sure tries, but usually gets left in Holdyn's dust. As for Ben, he is doing AWESOME at the clinic. He even got to go with the cardiologist this week for some extra training. He really LOVES it here!
Posted by
Cluff Family
8:27 PM
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Hip Hip Hooray for Holdyn!
We are happy and proud to announce that Holdyn is officially potty trained! We are soo excited to only have to buy sz 2 diapers for kimber :) It all started on my Birthday over a week ago. She disappeared and I thought she was hiding in a corner pooping.... well, when I found her she was sitting on the potty doin her business :) and she's been going there ever since! We haven't tried to really push her training because of all of our moving around and extra stress. I was ready to kick the potty training in to gear when we finally got settled in Bakersfield, BUT now it is all taken care of! Katie made her the chart and we told her when it was filled we'd take her to pick out a bike. Whelp, she filled it up this afternoon and when Ben got home this evening he took her and got the bike!!! It is obvious from the picture that she is VERY excited to have her bike :)
Posted by
Cluff Family
7:46 PM
More fun in Roswell, NM
We then had a great dinner out at Denny's. They had these awesome alien cups for kids that we all had a blast with :)
Posted by
Cluff Family
7:22 PM
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Bottomless Lakes, NM
Posted by
Cluff Family
9:49 AM
Monday, May 11, 2009
Saturday, May 2, 2009
Between L.A. and Roswell (2 weeks)
We've had a busy couple of weeks between places. We got to visit both families and unpack and pack again and again. Here are some picts of the fun! Holdyn LOVES horses and here she is on Gretta. You can't have horses without learning how to do the chores that come with them. Here is Holdyn with the pitchfork grabbing the hay to feed the horses.
Holdyn also got a haircut from Kandice. She was quite nervous...hence the thumb in her mouth. But she held still and did a great job.
Posted by
Cluff Family
7:37 PM