We've had a busy couple of weeks between places. We got to visit both families and unpack and pack again and again. Here are some picts of the fun! Holdyn LOVES horses and here she is on Gretta. You can't have horses without learning how to do the chores that come with them. Here is Holdyn with the pitchfork grabbing the hay to feed the horses.
Holdyn also got a haircut from Kandice. She was quite nervous...hence the thumb in her mouth. But she held still and did a great job.
Here is the new hair-do. She looks older!
No, I didn't forget Kimber. She was along on all of our adventures too. She is crawling like
a champ and doing great!
We also went through our storage unit during our time off and we got everything ready for the BIG MOVE to Bakersfield, CA. It has been 3 years since I've seen all of my stuff! We are moving to Bakersfield in June for at least a year and a half....finally a chance to rest! We are VERY excited to have a place to call our own and to be able to get a schedule for our kids :)
We made it to Roswell, NM yesterday after a 12 1/2 hour drive. We left at 4am and drove all of the way through. We are lucky enough to have friends who live in Roswell just a mile from the hospital. So we took over their spare room for our 4 weeks here. I'll try to do better about taking pictures and keeping ya'll updated on our adventures in Roswell, NM.
I'm glad you guys made it there safe. Holden hair looks way cute. Take lots of pictures and keep us updated.
I'd be nervous with Kandice cutting my hair too...Just Teasin! I love your beautician!
good luck with everything.
whaa whooo Go Roswell. I hope you break in Whitni and Jareds new house well. Good Luck!
Looks like you are enjoying the ride through clinicals...thanks for all the updates! I love reading
So glad you guys had some time off! Love the pics of the girls! They are so cute!
Cute girls. That's cool about moving to Bakersfield! I wish there was an Esplinfield that i could move to.
Where's all the Little Green Men?! are you having a BLAST with katie and whitney?!
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