She's been a real trooper the last three years! Moving around the country and even moving OUT of the country. She is very happy to finally have a place to call HOME! She's got quite the little attitude and she is very independent! But she is also one of the sweetest big sisters I've ever seen! She loves her little sister and is always such a BIG helper!

She's had so much fun singing "Happy Birthday to ME" all day long!
Here is Kimber waiting for her piece of Birthday Cake!
We got this car at a thrift shop the other day (We put socks on the wheels so we could drive it in the house on the wood floors.) It has been in the 110* Plus all week!! So we've been staying inside to keep cool! The girls have been riding/driving in it NON STOP!
Here is Kimber ready for Holdyn to wake up to unwrap her presents!
We had to wake Holdyn up before her daddy went to the clinic so he could watch her unwrap her presents.
Here is a random picture of Kimber.
Kimber is SOO close to walking, she pushes Holdyn around and stands up on her own now, but still hasn't dared take that first step.
Here is Holdyn with one of her new coloring books. As you can see she LOVES it! She is very into art. She got play dough, finger paints and lots of crayons and paper and stickers and she has been playing with them ALL DAY! I think the finger paints are almost gone.
Happy Birthday Holdyn! I can't believe these girls are three! It looks like she had a great day!
Happy Birthday Holdyn! Wow, she's 3 already!? She's so cute!
From the pictures, it looks like your house is very nice too. Glad you had fun celebrating her birthday.
You did an amazing job with the birthday cake! Go JILL! Tell Holdyn Happy Birthday! I hope you girls had a great day!
Happy Birthday Holden!!!!! Way cute Pictures. I can't beleive how big little Kimber is getting. I hope you guys are doing great. Miss you guys.
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