We decided to head on up to Lake Isabella last Saturday. The girls LOVED it! We packed a picnic and set up our chairs and enjoyed a day at the lake.

Bella also LOVED the water and had fun swimming and playing fetch.

Here are the girly-o's doing their thing....being cute. Holdyn loves to help dress Kimber, Especially when they have the same things to wear.

Here are my two little bandits in their get-a-way car. Not sure why Holdyn's goggles look fogged up, hopefully she isn't driving.

We also had a great day with our friends Kim and Aiden (another MD student family). Aiden is such a cutie and the girls had a blast playing with him!

On a very random note, we were driving down the street and saw this pool up in the tree. Not sure how it got there... we haven't even had much wind. It is just a few blocks from our house and the Fire dept. had to come and get it down from the tree top. Anyway, we thought it was hilarious!

Ben is officially done with another rotation, Pediatrics. Now he is starting OBGYN, and at the mercy of women in labor. His schedule is going to be hectic and his days are going to be much longer...just another step in the MD student process! At least the light is almost in sight at the end of the tunnel :)
the pool in the tree is Hilarious! love that you stopped to take pics!! :)
and the pic of the 2 "Bandita's" so so so so cute! love it!!
*how do they like their tutu's?! :)
That little getaway car picture is SO cute! Hope Ben likes delivering babies...now he can for sure deliver all the rest of yours! Nice!
I love the matching swimming suits... who am I kidding, I love kids in matching anything!!! So cute. How exciting for Ben to have one more rotation down. David loved his OB rotation. The hours were horrible, but he loved delivering the babies. I can't remember if I have asked you this before, but what kind of Doctor does Ben want to be?
So cute! Love the car picture! Glad to see you guys are doing good.
Is Ben excited for his OB rotation? That would defiantly be a fun, but challenging one!
never a dull moment at the Cluff house hold. What cute girls, I want to see them sometime! Maybe Emmie and I will have to have a mom and Emmie time and come and visit sometime.
Whoo hoooo!!!
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