Saturday, October 10, 2009

'Da Tire


Spencer and Mindy said...

umm...whatcha' gonna do with it?!

Cluffers said...

Holy huge tire but Ben's kinda short so its not saying a whole lot. J/K Where did you find that?

Cluff Family said...

okay, let me explain. Ben's mom is always wanting things in the yard for the kids to play with/on. We have been watching for a huge tire for a long time, but they are quite expensive to buy. Luckily, we found this one sitting on a trailer full of JUNK down the road from us and Ben went and asked the guy what he was going to do with it. The answer was, take it to the dump.... so we inherited it just like that. It is pretty darn heavy so now the problem is getting it back to Fredonia and in the dirt for the kids to play on :)

The Isoms said...

How funny! You dont want to tow it in your truck?
Hope all is well. Let me know what you do about those pesty neighbors!