Thursday, November 19, 2009


Time is going by so fast! Next week is Thanksgiving for crying out loud!!! Didn't we just go trick or treating last night?! In some way's I'm glad because that is helping us get through this Med School stuff quickly, but in others I wish it could just slow down!

By some miracle, Ben was able to get off Thanksgiving day and the Fri-Sunday after!!! So we are packing up to come home! We are very excited! My parents will be here tomorrow and they are taking the girls and I back with them on Sunday. Ben has call on Sunday and Tues, so we wouldn't see him anyway. So it's working out perfect! He will drive up Wednesday morning to be with us!
Anyway, here are some picts of our latest and greatest :)

Bella, just chillin in her bed.
Here are the girlies. Our routine every night is to eat dinner, bathe, get ready for bed and wait for daddy to come home to tuck them in. Sad that he only gets to see them a few minutes, and sometimes not even at all if they get too sleepy! We'll be glad when surgery is OVER!
Here is our little Energizer girlie in the back yard.
She really does keep going, and going, and going, and going!

1 comment:

Heather B said...

I hear ya about November flying by! Kimber is so stinkin cute on that bike with her helmet on.