We've had an awesome year for our team, "Kimber Anne's Fan's!!" Jaicee Busener (Holdyn's Kindergarten Teacher's daughter) jumped on board as president of the Fredonia Jr. Honor's Society and put together a fundraiser car wash. We received a lot of support from our little community and it was a really fun day for me and the kids! Ben was in Roswell, NM for 4 weeks and missed out on most of the events. We missed him, but as you can see we had lots of family and friends supporting us!!
Here we are, The Cluff family minus Ben. We sure missed him!!
Another girl with CF was there selling these Tutu's to help raise money for her team. The girls all LOVED them! The Washington Fire Dept. Also made a showing with one of their trucks! The kids got to go in and tour the inside. It was AWESOME!
Kimber Anne's Fans!!!
A huge thank you to all of those who supported!
It is frustrating when a disease such as CF enters your family. You can feel helpless on so many levels! It is nice to have something such as the CF's Great Strides program to work on to feel like you can make a difference for not only your family, but every family fighting CF daily.
We love you little Kimber!! You do have a lot of Fan's out there cheering for you and you are doing GREAT!
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