Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Great Strides 2012

Hi! I'm Kimber Anne Cluff! I am 3 years old and I have Cystic Fibrosis. I'm not letting it slow me down! I Love to run and ride my bike with my sister. I also love to camp and go fishing with my family. I am very diligent about taking all of my medicines morning and night! I can even swallow the BIG pills by myself now. I wear my percussion vest faithfully every morning and night for 30 minutes each. Sometimes it is hard, but I know how important it is to keep me healthy!

When I was diagnosed 18 months ago, at Primary Children's Medical Center, I was in the 5th Percentile for my weight. After learning the treatments I am in the 85th percentile!

I'm excited to have my very own team again this year called, Kimber Anne's FANS! My family wants to thank everyone for their support last year! I hope lots of my family and friends can come walk with me again this year! EVERYONE is welcome and encouraged to walk and/or donate!!

THANK YOU for helping me add more tomorrows to my life!! **In 1955 people with CF were not expected to live to the age of 5! Now the life expectancy is in the mid 30’s due to new research and treatments!!) Because of fundraisers like this, the CF researchers are coming closer and closer to finding my cure!



(Daughter of Ben and Jill Cluff)

**Great Strides is the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation's largest and most successful national fundraising event. This year, I'm walking in the Great Strides walk at the (2012 Southern Utah - Coral Canyon Elementary, Washington, UT), 04/28/2012. Please help me meet my fundraising goal! Your generous gift will be used efficiently and effectively, as nearly 90 cents of every dollar of revenue raised is available for investment in vital CF programs to support research, care and education.

**Donate to my team or join the walk at

or contact Jill Cluff 435-689-1858

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