Thanks to a state holiday, Ben got today off from working at the hospital. SOOO we went to Long Beach and made it to the Aquarium of the Pacific. The picture above is us outside the aquarium and you can see the "Queen Mary" across the bay in the background.

This bird became quite attached to Ben as you can see. IT flew right down and landed on his head. All the kids around us thought it was SOOOO funny.

There were quite a few places where you could touch the animals. Here is Holdyn and Ben at one of the stingray ponds. YES we all got to touch the stingrays..... they still freak me out.
On a side note.... We went up to Bakersfield last weekend and found the perfect little house for us to move into in June. We are SOOOO excited to have a place to call home we can't even sleep at night :)
I love aquariums! That looks like so much fun. Blake and I just went to the Georgia Aquarium last week. How fun.
Hey we have been there. We even spent the night on the queen mary. Alkso when I was in highschool I clogged on the queem mary. We had a blast when we went to the aquarium. I'm glad you guys got to go and that you found a place to move to in june.
glad you found the home you two really liked. Glad you guys had a great time together also!
yay for state HOLIDAYS!! I wanna go there! that looks like so much fun! just one question: Did Ben Love the Birdie landing on HIM?
tell you what, that would of Freaked me out! haa haa! *i'm no bird lover! lol
Oh, how fun! I'm so jealous you guys are finally settling down...we haven't even begun the looooooong path of clinicals! Haha! :) Glad to see you guys are doing so well!!
How fun! I love holidays that you can go have fun together. I am so excited that you found a house YIPPEE!!!
Looks like a fun place! I love how Kimber is eating her foot!
I am excited that you guys found a house! How fun!
How awesome! So, you promise to take me when we come right? RIGHT? I'm so excited for you guys all grown up and stuff with a house and everything. Hope you guys are doing great and living in up. Love you!
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