Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Quick trip to Phoenix

Last weekend we headed to the Phoenix area for Kimber's Cystic Fibrosis appointment. We have them monthly and it is getting old. But we managed to make our overnight trip pretty fun! We stayed with my cousin Glenn and his wife Laurel in Mesa. They live near an orange farm where we stopped by for a truckload of oranges :) They are sure yummy straight from the trees!

We made it to the Mesa temple to see the Nativity and all of the lights!
It was awesome! The girls look homeless because we'd just arrived from the 7 hour drive.
They loved the ponds with the bubble lights floating!

Here is Glenn and Holdyn
The girls loved walking on the wall around Glenn's house!
We arrived at cousin Glenn's house and it was all decorated for the holidays! He even had a bubble blower going in place of snow....since they don't see much snow in Mesa, AZ :)
We had to stop going over the Kaibab for Holdyn and Kimber to play in the snow. They were great travelers! Especially for being in the truck so long....down on Sunday and home on Monday after the Dr's appt. Kimber is doing good....gaining weight and her cultures came back negative....which is also a good thing! Anyway, thanks again to Glenn and Laurel for letting us take over your home!!!


Angie said...

Wow, the Mesa Temple is decorated pretty close to the Salt Lake Temple, only without snow obviously! Glad Kimber is doing well.

Rinez said...

Glad the check up was positive! Seeing the temple grounds sure made me nostalgic. We have three kids there and so we visit either in the spring or at Thanksgiving time. Love those temple grounds.

Burklund Blogger said...

What great troopers... kids in the car for a long time can be difficult for everyone. They don't look homeless! Their faces are clean and they don't smell like smoke or alcohol... AND you're at the temple! Besides... if they really did look homeless, some compassionate mormon would invite you in, right?

The Calico Crew said...

You guys are always finding good, fun things to do, while you have to do the not-so-fun things!

Spencer and Mindy said...

yay so glad it came back negative!
i bet glenn and laurel had a blast with you! they are so fun!!

Cluffers said...

mmm yumm! I love those oranges! Hint hint!!! Glad things are looking better.