We definitely had a wonderful Christmas at our house!!!
The girls slept in until a bit after 7am, but by then they were
super excited and ready to see what Santa had left for them!
Holdyn made us this framed poem with her hand prints in school....
it made me a little teary ;)
Ben and I SCORED from Santa!!
Holdyn and Kimber were so fun to watch as they unwrapped and saw each
thing that they had been given!
After opening the presents and getting our morning routine QUICKLY done,
we packed up and went to church. Obviously we were in a hurry and I didn't snap any shots of us....I wish I would have. Hey, at least we made it on time to the meetings ;)

Then we went to Grandma Crazy's for lunch and to see them and the cousins!
Kimber was soo excited to see that she and cousin Shayla had received the
exact same pajamas for Christmas ;)
On Christmas Eve we went to my parent's for a lunch and to read/act out the
story of the Nativity. Above, Holdyn and cousin Andi riding the donkey and Cow from Grandma and Grumpa's decorations out front.
Kyle wasn't as excited as Brooklyn to act their parts of Mary and Joseph.
Annie and Holdyn made some GREAT Angel's!
A couple of the shepherds... Megan and Allie.
Annie and the cutest cow ever....KIMBER.

After the Nativity (which could have been the Best Christmas Pageant Ever)
A few of the cousins did some entertainment...mostly on the piano and singing. Holdyn was so brave and sang Jingle Bells in front of everyone all by herself. She ROCKS!
Here are the girls with Nathan....he is a student I have been able to work closely with and he was so excited to come to our house and give the girls their presents from him. The girls were very excited to see him AND get a present. Thanks Nater-Tater...as Kimber would say.
We enjoyed spending time with both families and are so thankful to know the true meaning of Christmas! It is certainly a special time of year!
1 comment:
So FUN! i love the girls cowgirl hats!!! looks like you had a GREAT christmas! can't wait to come out and see you guys in about a month or so!! **sophee was reading your blog with me, and she kept pointing to kimber and holdyn and saying "thems my friends, huh momma" hee hee! she's excited too!
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