Okay, so I just realized I never published my Halloween post from a couple of months ago....oops! Since I'm going to try to get this year caught up print the blog to a book, I decided it was okay, to slip Halloween in here.
We had a super fun Halloween! These pictures are all out of order too...again I apologize.
Our church had an awesome Trunk-or-treat and our girls had a blast!!
Here the girls are begging Crazy Grandma for more Candy ;)

This is our trunk. Notice Kimber hiding inside with her 'loot' of candy.
She got tired of running around the parking lot and decided to take a break.
She handed out our/her candy to other trick or treaters through the spider web.
She loved it!

Our fun punk rocker/super girl cousins McKenzie, Taylor, and Emma.
Here we are getting ready for the festivities to begin. Our girls were so excited to be matching Ballerina's.
We took the chance to get Kimber's vest done before we went to the church...they were both pretty good sports to have to sit there for her treatment....even though kids were trick or treating at our door.
Here are our pumpkins for this year....always fun carving them ;)
Here is the day they got their costumes...a couple weeks before Halloween...they were
soo excited and wanted to wear them all day!
Halloween was AWESOME!
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