Sunday, July 24, 2011

Happy Pioneer Day!

We had a SUPER great time celebrating Pioneer day in Kanab. Since I am in the primary presidency we were in charge of getting our parade entry all put together. It turned out awesome!!!! Here is the temple Ben, Holdyn, and I made for our ward.
Holdyn was super excited we let her stay up after Kimber went to bed to help paint
the windows. She felt super special ;)

We also were able to borrow two handcarts from a family in Washington...they worked
out great for the little kids to ride in.
Holdyn and Kimber loved being by the temple and in the handcart.
Holdyn was a little upset that she had to wear a dress and the boys got to
be cowboys....she didn't get why pioneer girls had to wear dresses.
Here is a picture of some of our crew....we had a minihorse and wagon in front,
then the two handcarts, then another horse and wagon in the rear. We had an AWESOME turnout and everyone had a great time!

Kimber had a great wave....I think she is practicing for the parades when she is Miss Utah.
Pioneer Kimber and Holdyn.

After the parade uncle Karl let lots of kids have little Pony rides on Trigger.

Ben was also asked to be in charge of the nail pounding booth.
The kids of all ages LOVED it!
Over all it was a fun day and as we remembered our pioneer ancestors!!


Rinez said...

So you are living in Kanab now? I loved seeing the celebration held. The small towns know how to do it! Looks like so much fun! Good job!

Rainee said...

Gotta be grateful for our ancestors don't we? :)