Saturday, July 23, 2011

Holdyn is the BIG 5 Year Old!!!!

We can't believe our Holdyn is 5!!! She is so excited to be a big girl and be getting ready to go to the Big girl school...... Watch out Fredonia Elementary she is on her way!!!
Her birthday started as any good birthday should...with her favorite breakfast of champions...
GLAZED DONUTS!! She was so excited!!
We made a quick trip to some fishing ponds and it was so hot that we didn't stay long, but we did catch one on our way out.

Ben was more excited than Holdyn to get her BB gun...but she sure is having fun with it!
Brad and Katrine were nice enough to let us crash their house
for the afternoon to have a swim party!

A party for Holdyn wouldn't be complete without
Corndogs, watermelon, cheetos, sherbet, and cupcakes :)
All of her favorites!
Cute Saidee came and we had a blast with her!
Thanks for the Cinderella Saidee!!!
We had lots of fun with cousins too!

To top the day off we went to Red Robin with Grandma and Grumpa B.
The girls got balloons and they came and sang to Holdyn
She LOVED it!

Thanks For the YUMMY dinner!!!

Grumpa had to load his 4 wheeler so he took the girls for a few rides around the yard.
They were in heaven!!
Grandma and Kimber on the rope swing!
A little sprinkler before dark never hurt anyone :)
We finished off the night with some saweet sparkler fun
for the birthday girl!

Happy 5th Birthday to our sweet Holdy-locks!!!
The cake was custom made by yours truly...Holdyn wanted her name on it
and a heart made of M&M's. She was so excited.
Happy Birthday Holdyn!


Spencer and Mindy said...

happy happy birthday Holdy-locks! you cake looks so yummy! wish we could of been there to party with you! looks like you had a GREAT day! love you!

Rainee said...

You guys are awesome parents. Looks like she had many birthday parties!! Lucky girl! lol