Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Holdyn's 1st Day Redo..... Sage Montessori Charter School

We feel fortunate to have had a friend refer us to this brand new charter school in Albuquerque!  
Holdyn was doing okay, at Chapparal, and it was just around the corner from our house....but I never felt quite calm after I dropped her off....or all day until I picked her up.  She loved her teacher, but I just never felt quite right about it.  We heard about this Charter school opening up this week and we rushed to their temporary office (they hadn't been able to move into their actual building yet) and got her signed up.
 I have a great friend that moved here about the same week we did and she was having similar issues with her kids at their new elementary school.  So I told her about it and she got her kids enrolled the next day too!  We were luck to have gotten them in.
 Holdyn had another 'first day of first grade' on Monday Aug. 27.  She was SO excited to have her friends at her school and Ian is even in her class.  Her teacher's name is Miss Jill ;)  so she has to be awesome!   The School Head Master is also an awesome lady.  There are only 250 kids at the school K-8 and she probably knows them all by name.  She is out in the parking lot in the AM and PM helping kids in and out of the cars with the other teachers.  It is such a wonderful feeling knowing that Holdyn is being taken care of!!  She is LOVING it!  (Of course Kimber still hates dropping her off and asks every 5 minutes if it is time to go get Holdyn yet...Kimber starts school next Tuesday!)

Here is a picture of Holdyn and Ian...her good buddy!  This is their classroom on the first day....they still didn't have everything set up yet, but there is a huge loft in the back right corner and LOTS and LOTS of hands on activities they get to do.  It is a great blessing to have her here!

The only challenge is that  the school is 10 miles away and can take awhile in traffic.  I have  the 3 kidlets in the car by 7:45 (so far we've done well...having Kimber's vest done and everything because her school also starts at 8:30) to be sure we are there on time....  I hope the cost of gas going 40 miles everyday (dropping her off and picking her up) doesn't sink us!   
**Stay tuned for Kimber's first day at La Petite Pre-K program on Tuesday Sept. 4.  Her teachers came by our house today for the home visit.  She is getting super excited!

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