Friday, September 7, 2012

Kimber Starts Pre-School!!

Here is the little squirt on her first day at La Petite Academy. 
She was soooo excited to be able to go to school too!

Miss Paulene and Miss Lorena are her teachers and she LOVES them!
She comes home singing songs and telling me stories almost everyday.
She goes at 830 and is there until 1230.  They feed them breakfast and lunch.
She has lots of friends from primary that go there too!  I think 8 of the 20 kidlets there are from our ward.  Needless to say she is really enjoying herself!
Here is a picture of Kimber and Holdyn.  They are such sweet girls. Holdyn sits right by Kimber almost every morning to do her treatment....what a great big sister!  They have to wake up pretty early to get everything done to be ready to get out the door by 7:45 for the drive to their schools.  
Kimber was sooo excited about her new backpack...she wanted me to take about 50 pictures of it! 
She is such a great little gal!  It has been good for her and me to get into the early routine.  It was also quite the ordeal to get the school educated and permission slips etc for her to take her meds for her CF.  They have been great to work with and are going above and beyond to make sure she has a great experience!  

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