Monday, September 10, 2012

Grandma and Grandpa Baker's Visit!

I just realized I still had a folder with these pictures to post.  This was over a month ago, but I thought I had better get it posted so when Grandma and Grandpa come again in a few weeks I can post the new pictures too.  
We had a GREAT visit with Grandma and Grandpa Baker!
 Ben was working nights and sleeping during the days, so we didn't see much of him.
The girls LOVED showing Grandma and Grandpa around the town.  They also enjoyed one of their favorite things at our house....swimming in the lil pool.

 We also spent a day at the zoo and aquarium. 

 Kimber being the tour guide for grandma and Grandpa as they got off the train at the aquarium.
 We had fun watching the little trains and walking through the Botanical Gardens.

 YIKES a gigantic spider! (The girls teased Grandpa about spiders the whole week, so it was perfect that they got them under the spider and tried to scare them again)

 Holdyn inside the aquarium.  

 Holdyn was so proud of her playdough creation.  She made a cupcake with sprinkles.  It took her quite awhile to get it 'perfect.'  These girls can be entertained with play-dough for quite awhile!

 Sorry there are so many pictures...but I wanted to get them all in.  I think the girls favorite thing at the aquarium is the wishing pond as you enter the building.  I always have to be sure to have some pennies for them to toss in.  Kimber usually wishes for a toy or pony or something.  Holdyn almost always wishes for Kimber's Cystic Fibrosis to go away. (She started doing this at Primary Children's...they have a pond outside the hospital that she loved to walk out and toss in coins and wish for Kimber to get out of the hospital.  Just shows what a sweet gal Holdyn is.)
 We took a Sunday afternoon trip to the temple grounds.  Albuquerque has a beautiful temple.
The girls especially loved the fountain.

 We love you Grandma and Grandpa....Thanks for coming to visit, and take us to Costco, and everywhere else for supplies!!!
Can't wait to see you again in a few weeks!


The Calico Crew said...

What would we do without g-pas and g-mas? Your girls are getting so big and it's fun to see your mom and dad in pics once in a while.

Spencer and Mindy said...

so much fun! love that last pic of coders in his carseat...he's adorable