I was at 5cm... when we went here. The walking kept my mind and body off the pain. She told me not to stop but to walk through the contractions. We walked (I might add we had mice running around by our feet and it was very dark everywhere since it is sort of outside/inside accommodations). I then called one of the many heroines of the day... Nurse Bell. She is my new island mother we know from church. She is a retired RN and was anxious to help us. So she came straight into the hospital.
I also want to add that they didn't have an ice machine. They just had a small (3 gallonish sized) cooler with a bag of crushed ice in for all of the women in labor to share. Ben had to run home just to get some water for himself to drink.... no drinking fountains nearby or anything! No cafeteria/soda machine etc etc. So he made a quick dash home to get some snacks and water.... while I walked, and walked, and walked, and walked. Oh also, no 24 hour gas station restraunts etc to grab food so home was pretty much our only option.
When Ben returned they checked me again and I was at 7cm. So they moved me to the Delivery Ward. Where I told to continue to walk and walk. So with Ben on one arm and Hilda Bell on the other we continued our laps. (Sorry no exciting photo's of this part :)
Well, the midwife then told me to take a show
er. I must say, it felt sooo nice to stand in the warm water... even though I was HOTTER than ever, the warmth helped my body relax and gave me a boost for the finally. When the shower finished, again, I was told to walk until I felt like I absolutely had to push. Well, we made about 3 more passes down the hall with many stops for contractions when it hit.... I had to push! No stopping her now!!
FINALLY, I got to climb into the bed :) I must say, however, that not having all the machines hooked up to you is quite nice. I was free the entire time. No monitors going on and off, no people coming in and out to check on things..... not that I was ever in one place more than a minute or two. It was pretty much all up to us and to just wait out the contractions.
Well, finally, I was able to push.... Kimber literally
popped out at 1:12 am Wed June 18. She was 7lbs 2 oz and 51 cm.

She is such a cutie! I bet Holdyn is loving her new baby sister. Looks like you made it through. I'm glad everything went ok.
OH yay! I wanna see more pics!! I'm glad that all went well, and you are doing great!!
Oh she is so cute, and she looks so healthy I,m so glad everything went so good.
Oh, so adorable! I can't wait to see you tonight!! You are such a trooper! Holdyn looks like a great big sis already! Love, Candace and Richie
What a cutie! So excited for you guys! Congratulations! I am soooo glad that everything went great! What a great big sister Holdyn has! Can't wait to see you guys in about 8 weeks!!!
Soo glad she's here & you both did well thru the delivery.
We're excited to get there - wish we had waited to buy our tickets. See you soon.
Love, Mom & Dad B
Soo glad she's here & you both did well thru the delivery.
We're excited to get there - wish we had waited to buy our tickets. See you soon.
Love, Mom & Dad B
AUGHHH! JILL! You did it! All natural! Congrats, it went so smoothly, I'm amazed, so how bad did those labor pains hurt at 7/8/9/10 cm?? You didn't even mention any pain, although I'm sure it was there. You are my hero!!
Oh, and p.s. she's GORGEOUS!
Hooray! We are so glad things went to so well. You are amazing girl!!! Good job! And that little girl is beautiful! I am glad things went the way you planned them (as much as they can with having a baby anyway). Yay, congratulations to you and Ben and Holdyn. And how cool that the midwife let Ben be so involved! I wonder what my doctor will think of that when we have this baby? Anyway, we are really happy for you! Congrats again!
Jill you are amazing and little Kimber is so beautiful! I am so proud of you! :) You are such a great example and my hero. You are so optimistic and make the best of every situation. Your little family is beautiful and I hope everything continues to go well for you guys. Take care and I can't wait to see you! Rachel
Jill, she is beautiful!!Love the all the pictures, but especially the one of proud big sis Holdyn with little Kimber! I am so, so, so glad things went smoothly for you, you are my hero for being so tough! you'll have to let me know what it was like without an epidural. That is so awesome that Ben got to be so involved! Much better than feeling helpless on the sidelines. CONGRATULATIONS YOU GUYS!! We are so happy for you and your beautiful little girls!
so glad the baby is here & that you are doing well. Can't wait to see you.
Love, Mom & Dad B
Congrats Jill,Ben and Holdyn we are glad that everything went ok for you and that there were no big complications. We have all been very worried about you here. all the Fowlks Laurel Jenny everyone so I am glad to here all is well.
Can't wait to see you all
Congrats Cluff Family! That is so exciting! I am SOOO glad everything went smooth and as planned. So, did you do the whole thing without an epi? If so, you are my hero. I'm way too big of a wuss.
Can't wait to see more pics, she looks perfect though! Holdyn looks like a proud older sister! CONGRAT'S again!
congrats girly!! I am so glad everthing went well and she is way cute. I cant wait to see her in real life. I can tell Holdyn is going to be a great big sister.
A big congrats to you both. She is so cute !!!!! Can't wait to see the whole family again.
She's so sweet! I'm happy to hear that everything went smoothly! How is the adjustment to two kids??
Congrat's you guys, you are very brave. I'm glad it went well and your all healthy. you have a beautiful family.
AWSOME!!!! now would be a great time to start planning a little brother to be born in europe . Wow my world traveling sis and family!!! Ben good job. Jill WoW . how is Holden doing with another Beautiful Cluff girl in the family taking all her attention ? does she want to send her back?
Congrats Jill! I am so proud of you! You did an amazing job and Kimber is beautiful! You will always have an awesome story to tell Kimber about her birth in the Caribbean!
Congrats on cute, little Kimber! I'm so glad all went well at the hospital. I was worrying about it too!
Congratulations! I am so relieved it all went well! What gorgeous girl!
Congrats...what a trooper you were and nothing to dull the pain. Wow, I am truly amazed. She's beautiful!
You sound like a dang pioneer with all that walking and walking and walking. You are such a trooper and make me think that next time...I'll just walk and walk and walk--all the while thinking of you. Congrats to you and Ben on the new arrival!
As Heather said...You are my hero!
How awesome and what a neat place to be born (on an island and all) she will be so proud of that later in life...
I want to hear more about pain too...you are sooooo awesome!
She is beautiful!!!!
Jill! WAY TO GO!!!!!
We are sending lots of telepathic messages your way to say that we are SO happy and relieved that Kimber is here and you are doing great. Forever after you will have the best adventure story....... THE BROXS LOVE YOU!
Congratulations! Great job. I don't know if I could have done it like that, but you are so amazing, I am not surprised you did it (and with such a great attitude). She is beautiful!
Oh! She's adorable! Congratulations! I hope you are feeling better. What a trooper to keep walking and walking!
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