Saturday, March 3, 2007


So there is this thing going around and when you get tagged you have to say 5 random things about yourself, then tag three here goes. Oh, I was tagged by Cutsie sister Mindy!

1. I have been skydiving and I cannot wait to do it again!!

2. I absolutely love rhubarb.... fresh from the garden with salt!

3. Besides babysitting and other odd and end things when I was younger, I've had 9 Jobs (I think)....Charlie's Supreme, Comfort Cottage (CNA), Washington City-Soccer Referee, Latter-Day Stuff, Washington County-ASL Interpreter, Utah School for the Deaf and Blind (Intervener-work with Deaf-blind children, and ASL Interpreter), Camp Konitawa- Counselor for kids ages 6-12 during week long sessions outside Zion National Park, EFY Counselor- Counselor for youth ages 14-18, during week long sessions at BYU in Provo, Arizona School for the Deaf and Blind-ASL Interpreter. And I was a LDS missionary for both the hearing and Deaf in Sacramento, CA. Oh, and I wanted to be a Veterinarian when I was little....glad I grew out of that!!

4. I played the trumpet through college....I try to play the hymns on a small keyboard for our branch...I took beginning guitar in college and don't remember much....and I can play 2 recorders simultaneously with my in each nostril, now that's random info you wish you didn't know!

5. I want to be just like my mom when I grow up...If you know her, you know why!

Now that I've bored you with useless info about me, I'm tagging....

Sara Baker
Brittany Isom
Julie Kohler
Good Luck Gals!

1 comment:

Sara :) said...

I remember the sky diving stunt - that was awesome.