Tuesday, October 5, 2010

The end of our Hospital Stay!

We had a great visit from Aunt BRENDA!! She ROCKED it and came for a sleepover with us at the hospital. She was super awesome about bringing the toenail paints and stickers!!! Kimber showed them off to all of the Nurses, Doctors, and RT's! Thanks Brenda!

Grandma Baker came to stay the last couple of days, it was nice to have her there, she was a lot of help and it was just good to have her around.
There are a few different volunteer dogs that come around to cheer kids up! Kimber LOVED this one named Jack.
Kimber finally got to escape from her room the last few days we were there, but she had to wear the little mask....she did really good about keeping it on.

1 comment:

katy said...

I'm glad you had company. She was so cute in her little mask. I hope she is doing good at her new life. Hope you are too.