Okay, so things have been going great and not too much excitement has been going on....there were fireworks again last night across the bay from us, and we do still have lizards running around the house...among other things. I suppose living on an island has it's benefits, and it's "not so benefits." To help set the stage for this next saga, picture us living in a tiny, one-bedroom, $1300/month apt. I'm not complaining, we actually have it quite nice. Since we have only one bedroom, we have a corner in the bedroom where we have a small port-o-crib for Holdyn. We have a dresser leaned up against it so she sort of has some privacy. Okay, now with that in mind.
Last night I had put her to bed. She was sound asleep, and I was just getting ready to hop in bed myself. I had left the bedroom door open and the light from the frontroom (only other room) was beaming into the bedroom. I casually walked in and over to my side of the bed when I hear Ben in a yelling-whisper, "GET ON THE BED." So without hesitation, I fly through the air and curl up on the bed. Then he continues, "A Huge roach just ran across the floor." So I do what any brave girl would do and stayed on the bed telling Ben he is on his own! So, with a can of Raid in hand, he began the roach hunt!

After much furniture josseling we (by we I mean Ben) found the roach and put it out of it's mysery. During this bit of excitement Holdyn woke up and was a little upset...so I grabbed her and brought her out to the front room while Ben began putting the bedroom back in order. Holdyn settled down and I went to take her back to her little bed, and what do I see awaiting her in her crib..............another HUGE ROACH!!
Of course I scream, tell Ben his roach hunt isn't over, and send him back into the room armed with what is left of the can of raid! Finally, we got them under control and changed poor Holdyn's sheets and settled down for the night! The funny thing is, we have seen a totaly of 5 roaches the entire time we've been here, 3 within the last 24 hours and the other two were right after we moved in. I don't know what they feed their roaches here but they've mutated to the size of a mouse..which makes them even more distgusting!!! 

OH SICK! sorry. that makes me want to toss my cookies!
I hate those things. Their so big and ugly here I can't imagine them any bigger. Hopefully you wont see anymore.
AUGHHH!! Disgusting, we have the exact same problem here! Must be the warm island temperatures that makes them grow so huge. Samuel think he's pretty clever, he's found that rubbing alcohol kills them much faster (and is much cheaper) so he has a huge bottle with a spray nozzle and we are chasing them down frequently. The big ones gross me out so bad. You have my sympathies!
Ok seriously, i don't think i can come Visit now. i can't handle the BUGS!!!! or the lisards or the Monkey's....YIKES, i dont' know how you handle it...lol hee hee
eww yuck! I hate roaches!
Heather- Thanks for the rubbing alcohol tip! We are definitely going to try it! We just have to wait until the store has it. They have things one week then you won't see them again for months! Another perk to living out of the country. It's definitely on the list!!! I'm excited to try it out...I'd be more excited if I don't see any more gigantic roaches!! I can do the lizards, the small version of centipedes (not the big ones often found here), monkeys, other bugs, but the roaches really gross me out!!!
YUCK! i had the same prob when i lived in hawaii. except for they flew too. do the roaches there fly? i had never seen a flying roach and one flew right into my face right as i was about to smack it with my flip flop. i almost peed my pants.
That is horrible. I could not handle roaches! Let's hope they are gone for good.
I haven't seen any of the roaches fly....hopefully I never do. I would probably do more than pee my pants...LOL!
Anytime anyone writes "pee my pants" on here it makes me lol!
Jill, that is so scary! I can't handle roaches at any size! Luckily we don't have ANY roaches here which is a huge perk, but the misquetos here are so so huge!!
Best of luck to you and all your critter problems!
Does lol mean laugh out loud?
I am new to this....
Yes Jaesi, it does... lol!
Roaches are nasty! On a happier note....I have SO MANY FRIENDS in this little blogging world!! Hey Jill, and everyone else! I would add you all to my page right now, but I gotsta be getting my booty in bed!
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