Hey Mom, I wanted to wish you happy birthday, so I woke Dad up this morning to help me with my little plan. I thought I would have you an online surprise party and I am inviting whoever views the blog today to say Happy Birthday to you. Dad and I love you very much and hope that you have a great birthday.
Happy, Happy Birthday Jill dear, happy days will come to you all year, if I had one wish that it would be a Happy Happy Birthday to you from me. Do you remember that great song from primary?!
Happy birthday Jill hope you had a great day I am getting to you when the day is over at least here. but anyhoo I hope your day was the greatest ever it is always nice to have little ones wish you Happy B-day.
We are the Ben and Jill Cluff family. Since We married in 2005 we've lived in 5 states and 2 countries. What an adventure it has been! Ben is very busy as an Intern Family Medicine Doctor at UNM Hospital in Albuquerque, NM. We have two beautiful daughters and recently added a handsome little boy to the family. We are loving life and love the adventures that we are experiencing! We are currently enjoying life in Albuquerque, NM!
Happy Birthday, I love you. Ben
Sooo Wonderful. good job Ben.
Happy B-Day Jill.
Good one Ben and Holdyn! I love you two too! Thanks! -Jill
Happy Birthday Jill!
Happy, Happy Birthday Jill dear, happy days will come to you all year, if I had one wish that it would be a Happy Happy Birthday to you from me. Do you remember that great song from primary?!
What a Great idea! Hope your day is extra special & may all your wishes come true.
Happy birthday from the parentals - Love, Mom & Dad
Ben is so cute!!! Yay!! Happy Birthday Jill, have an AWESOME naked day! (Animaniacs of course)
Hey Jilly - Hippo birdie 2 yew, Hippo birdie 2 yew, Hippo Birdie Dear yew, Hippo birdie 2 yew...
hee hee have a goodie!
HB Jilly!
Hey Jill! Hope you had a great birthday!!
You know, Corky and I have pictures of us standing right there where you are!! So crazy! I feel "so bad" for you for having to live there! ;)
Happy birthday Jill hope you had a great day I am getting to you when the day is over at least here. but anyhoo I hope your day was the greatest ever it is always nice to have little ones wish you Happy B-day.
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