Monday, March 12, 2007

Our first visitors

Grumma and Grumpa made it...a day before their luggage....or should I say our luggage, since they brought 150lbs of crap and a jogger stroller for us. There were a few delays, but they arrived safe and sound. Here is a picture of all of the luggage and passengers...Nice duct tape, rope, and Grumma's specialty the nylon tie job on the stroller...YES we fit it all in the Getz!! Go Hyundai! This next picture is of our $20 home made/hand cranked coconut icecream. YUM YUM. Those two bites each were definitely worth $20!!!?

Here is the group of us just outside the the stroller....thanks Rebecca! Here we are visiting the AUC Campus.

We saw the cruise ships on our Sunday afternoon drive. Here we are on the small island of Pinel. Grumpa and I did about 3 hours of great snorkeling while Grumma and Holdyn played on the shore and in the shallow waters. For those of you who are wondering....YES mom got her racoon eyes today. Dad and I got the backs of our legs pretty toasted because of the "snorkeling" position. Anyway, we are having a blast!!! Here we are....How romantic!


Spencer and Mindy said...

OH I love it!! and Can't Wait to come and Visit for the day, while our ship is at Bay..... Sounds Like you are Having a BLAST with Mom and Dad!!!! tell them we'll see them on Friday Night at the Airport!!

AdaMartha said...

Wowser! Looks like tons of fun!

We are jealous of the trip. Have some fun for us.

AdaMartha and Girls!

Pauline said...

Jill love the palm tree pic. I am sure it is wonderful to have your mom and dad there it looks like you are having a great time.

Pauline said...

oh Hope you enjoyed that coconut icecream for me too! My favorite.

The Isoms said...

I am so glad your parents were able to come and visit. It looks like you guys are having a fun time! Wish we could afford the $600.00 a piece tickets to come see you! Maybe I'll just have to come by myself! lol Although Raylie is kind of attached right now!

Sara :) said...

Ok, me and Brad are so jealous! We are still working on trying to come this year but haven't had any luck on babysitters yet. Hope your having a great time.