Thursday, November 5, 2009

Blog book from

HERE IT IS! I was very excited to get the book yesterday in the mail and wanted to show it to some of you other bloggers who seemed interested. I've been wanting to do this for a long time so I'd have a hard copy of our family's happenings during the past few years. Anyway, here are some pictures of the final product. It is about the size of my HS year book and just as good of quality!

Anyway, there ya have it! is the place and I just received a code in my email for 20% off if you purchase a book before Nov. 7 if you are interested, it's a pretty good discount and the code is fall4b2p just put it in at checkout.


Angie said...

Jill, I checked out this site after you mentioned it on Facebook. I'm interested in trying this. I was wondering if you could remove posts you didn't want in the book? I kept trying to take some of those "tagged" posts out and I think I might need to delete them from the blog first if I don't want it in the book.
Thanks for the discount code. That would really help with the cost. How much did yours cost? I'm assuming yours is bigger than most if you printed out a few years worth. My personal email is angie nowling at hotmail dot com if you don't want to answer all these questions on your blog. Thanks!!

Spencer and Mindy said...

oh that's WAY SWEEET!!!
i'd love to do this to my blog some day!

looks great, i love the cover!

**hey you know anyone who wnats to buy our black firdge?! :)

Jackson's said...

I wondered about this a while back and was just going to use my printer and print all the pages off.....but it is nice to know they make it into a book. Just out of much did it cost you? It looks really nice. BTW, how is everything going? I look at your blog all the time, but my kids never let me have more than a moment to look and I never get to post anything, so tonight the kiddos are in bed and you are getting a novel... luckly you!!!!