Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Preschool-Letter "I"

It was our turn to be in charge of pre-school this week. We had the letter 'i' Holdyn was, once again, my big helper in getting everything ready for the kids to come. We made an Igloo to play in. We played "I Spy Iggy the Iguana."

We learned about Indians and made indian necklaces and headbands.
For our snack we made indian fry bread.....yummmmmmy!
Of course Kimber has to be involved with the 'big kids.'
Anyway, our 'i' week turned out GREAT :)


Cluffers said...

good crap! Can I come and learn about the letter I, it sounds so fun. You always come up with the cutest ideas. Way to go! another job well done.

Shonna said...

That looks so fun and very creative. The indian fry bread is a great idea.

Spencer and Mindy said...

what did holdyn do to 'earn' all those feathers in her hat? it's loaded!!
way cute and fun idea! i bet those kiddos are learning so much!!

The Conway's said...

That's great! You are making learning so much fun for them! If the letter "I" comes around again and you make fry bread-call me! I'd love to help the kiddos and eat some bread :)