Monday, November 30, 2009

The first part of a Great Thanksgiving Week!

Our Thanksgiving week started out great! My parents came to Bakersfield for a few days and took the girls and me home with them. Ben was on his 30 hour surgery call so he was gone Sun-Monday and then he worked Tuesday and came on up to St. George to be with us.

Here is a picture of Holdyn with her Turkey that she made for Grandma and Grandpa Baker. We really appreciated them coming to visit and then letting us tag along with them back home.
Here is Holdyn in one of her new favorite places, she even got Grandma Baker to come into her play zone with her!
Well, the week was full of family fun! Here is Kimber playing Uncle Brad in Chess. She is reminding him not to cheat in this picture.

Above is our present to my parents this year, they already had the nativity set but we made the stable part to add to the display. Below is the train we made them last year for Christmas. While we were there we got to help with a bit of the outside decorating. We love the lights and fun things my parents put up at their house! Can't wait to see the finished product when we are there in December.

Since the weather was nice we spent some time outside enjoying it! Kimber LOVES this little car and especially loves it when someone will push her around in it.

I also got to spend a few hours making hair bows with friends.
It was a great time! Thanks gals!

Cousin Adri and Holdyn loved going for rides in Grandpa's old car!

Thanks Grandma and Grandpa and cousins and other family and friends who helped make our trip home for Thanksgiving so FUN!!! We LOVE YOU!

1 comment:

The Calico Crew said...

so I noticed the Bakers are kicking some Miller but in the Christmas light competition so far. We drove by Saturday night just to see who was ahead. Good to know you were part of that.