Whitni's funeral was yesterday.....it was a tearjerker for me. A group of friends was able to sing the opening song, "I need Thee Every Hour." I was pretty sure I'd cry through most of it, and I was right. I made the mistake of looking down at Jared and Laurie (Whitni's husband and mom) right before and I couldn't sing until the last verse, and even then it was on and off. Luckily everyone else could and did beautifully!! Her sweet husband Jared, and his parents, all of her brothers and her parents all spoke of memories of Whitni. We were laughing and crying throughout the rest of the program. The hardest part for me was when they played a slideshow of Whitni's life and her mother read her testimony in the background. It took all of my strength to not start weeping aloud. Luckily, I kept my sobs to a minimum noise level. It really was a beautiful service in honor of a beautiful woman!
Sunday, September 11, 2011
Whitni's Funeral
Posted by
Cluff Family
5:20 PM
Wednesday, September 7, 2011
Working on the casket
A few months ago Whitni had asked Ben if he would be willing to build her casket. She just wanted something simple. Ben had agreed and we put it in the back of our minds...hoping we wouldn't have to work on it for a loooong time. About three weeks ago now, Whitni called and said she thought it was time to start working on the casket. So, of course we put it off until last Friday night. We weren't sure about the interior. Originally, Whitni had said she and her mom could work on it.... well, as the days went on we knew that wasn't an option...so we called the girls together and decided we could do it ourselves. It turned out being a very worthwhile and therapeutic process for us all!
Henry Scott Holland
Posted by
Cluff Family
9:05 PM
Tuesday, September 6, 2011
Whitni's Obituary
After her battle with cancer, Whitni Nisson Reese passed away on September 4, 2011. Whitni was born June 11, 1981, in St. George, Utah, to Bruce and Laurie Christensen Nisson. She was the only daughter among 5 brothers. Whitni enjoyed her childhood growing up in Washington, Utah. She attended Washington Elementary, Pine View Middle School and graduated from Pine View High School. Whitni excelled academically and musically during those years. It was also during this time when she started to establish a group of friends who remain close even to this day. She also gained a strong testimony of the gospel of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Whitni went on to graduate from Dixie State College and attend massage therapy school, becoming a nationally certified Massage Therapist. She then served in the Zurich, Switzerland Mission where she learned to speak the German language fluently. Upon her return, she delayed her schooling to assist her brother, Blake, in his rehabilitation after a serious accident. This experience helped to direct her interests toward physical therapy and she pursued this career at BYU. However, she became more interested in nutrition and as a result attended Utah State University to complete her B.S. Degree, graduating Summa Cum Laude, in Food and Nutrition, becoming a Certified Registered Dietitian Shortly after graduation, Whitni married Jared R. Reese on May 16, 2009, in the St. George LDS Temple. Jared’s employment took them to Roswell, NM, where Whitni became employed at Eastern New Mexico Medical Center as a Registered Dietician. During this time Whitni enriched the lives of many by serving as a Ward Missionary and early morning Seminary Teacher for her church. Whitni loved to learn, travel and serve in the Church. She had a great appreciation of the Gospel, life, family, friends, music, nutrition and science. Whitni is survived by her spouse, Jared R. Reese of Roswell, NM; father, and mother, Bruce B. and Laurie Nisson; brothers, Neils Nisson (Holly), Nickolas Nisson, Kael Nisson, Blake Nisson (Missionary in Washington D.C. North) and Breyden “Gump” Nisson, all of Washington, UT. Funeral services will be held on Saturday, September 10, 2011, at 11:00 a.m. at the Washington Stake Center, 446 Mangum Rd., Washington, UT. Whitni elected not to have a viewing, but an open house will be held on Friday, September 9, 2011, from 6:00-8:00 p.m. at the same location. Interment will take place in the Washington City Cemetery. The family requests in lieu of flowers that monetary remembrances be made at any Mountain America Credit Union under Whitni Nisson Reese. Whitni and family wish to thank Dr. Derrick Haslem and staff, Dr. Edgard Badine and staff, and Southern Utah Hospice for their special care and concern during her illness.
Posted by
Cluff Family
7:28 PM
Whitness the Greatness
The world stood still for a moment Sunday evening on September 4, 2011, as one of my dearest friends Whitni Brooke Nisson Reese took her last breath in this life. She lost her courageous fight with a rare and aggressive form of ovarian cancer. I will never be able to explain or express the footprints she left in my life. What an awesome girl! I met Whitni In Kindergarten.....25 years ago. Our dads both worked at Post Offices....we were destined to be friends. She always said she pretended to like MacGyver...(but really had no clue who he even was) ...because I was obsessed with him when we were young and she wanted to be cool like me. I had her fooled! I was a total nerd!
Posted by
Cluff Family
2:07 PM
Baby Cody is on the way!!
Well, the pants are getting tighter and the stomach continues to churn...oh and I'm ALWAYS hungry.... I'm 18 weeks pregnant and super excited to finally get our little boy! I've been wanting to blog and document this for a long time so I'm sure I'm going to forget many things I wanted to share. Anyway, Ben and I were very nervous and scared to have another child join our family. I'd always felt there was another kid in our future...however, after having Kimber diagnosed with the genetic disease of Cystic Fibrosis...we were more hesitant. We wouldn't trade Kimber for the world and we cherish every moment we have with her. However, the disease is a very expensive and exhausting one to maintain health. I know of families who have two and even three kids with CF and I didn't know if I would be emotionally and physically strong enough to handle it. Anyway, we had somewhat convinced ourselves that we were done with our two girls. One day when we were talking about it, we went to the temple and decided to do some thinking and praying about the situation. Both Ben and I had the impression we had another baby that we needed to join our family. It was a terrifying feeling, but we both felt good and knew it was the right thing to do. After we found out we were expecting, we were still terrified. We had the amniocentesis as soon as we could and got the results last week that our little one is a BOY and that he does not have CF, but he is a carrier of the gene. We were so grateful. We are still awaiting some other results from the amnio...but we are so thankful things are looking good. I am due February 6th and we are planning on naming him Cody. We don't have a middle name for sure picked yet, we have some options, but that will come soon. We feel very blessed and the girls are super excited to have a baby brother!!!
Posted by
Cluff Family
1:29 PM
Labels: http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-lJnVwSimKqg/TmaFen4YWEI/AAAAAAAAGFc/5Dn-LvCeT6o/s1600/IMG_0434.JPG
Kimber's first day of Pre-School
Posted by
Cluff Family
1:21 PM