Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Kimber's first day of Pre-School

She could hardly sleep the night before the first day of Crazy Grandma's Pre-school. She is totally jealous that Holdyn gets to go to the 'BIG school' and ride the bus. Kimber also loves to be involved with Holdyn's homework....it is actually kind of annoying how smart this girl is and how she can remember details from long ago.

Kimber wanted to color a picture for her 'teacher' on the first day. She was also thrilled to be the one to take snacks...she chose pudding. She is such a fun gal to have around.....she is always hugging my tummy and talking to 'baby Cody' She is going to be a great and bossy big sister :)
She loves going to school and can't stand that she only gets to go 2 days a week!
We love you little Kimber :)

1 comment:

Rainee said...

hahah that's so adorable. Hooray for Kimber!! She's such a strong girl!