A few months ago Whitni had asked Ben if he would be willing to build her casket. She just wanted something simple. Ben had agreed and we put it in the back of our minds...hoping we wouldn't have to work on it for a loooong time. About three weeks ago now, Whitni called and said she thought it was time to start working on the casket. So, of course we put it off until last Friday night. We weren't sure about the interior. Originally, Whitni had said she and her mom could work on it.... well, as the days went on we knew that wasn't an option...so we called the girls together and decided we could do it ourselves. It turned out being a very worthwhile and therapeutic process for us all! 

L to R Andee, Ben, Jill, Jared (Whitni's husband), Kate, Kandice and Dave.

It just isn't the same without her.

Andee showing off the inside...looks simple and soft and cozy for Whitters' final resting place.

We were so glad Jared was able to come and help!
Whit passed on Sunday evening and we finished up all day Monday.
Jared was there to give his approval and input.
I think Whitni would have loved it!

Jared and Ben securing the interior.

Jill, Andee, Jared, and Allie..... Jared always slips in the funny faces when you least expect it.

Good ironing Allie!

Andee, Jared, and Jill. Soooo very glad we can all bring our different experiences together and support eachother...through anything! I truly am so very blessed with amazing friends. We've all been through so much during and since High School. We have always stood by each other when one was going through the challenges. I couldn't ask for better friends!

Here is Ben finishing the inside of the casket.

Put the super industrial-strength hot glue gun down Andee!
That face scares me.
We were so blessed to be a part of this experience. We are deeply saddened by the loss
of our dear friend, Whitni. Here is a poem a friend shared, that I loved.
I am standing on the seashore, a ship spreads her white sails to the morning breeze and states for the ocean. I stand watching her until she fades on the horizon and someone at my side says, she is gone. Gone where? The loss of sight is in me, not in her. Just at that moment when someone says 'she is gone' there are others who are watching her coming. Other voices take up the glad shout, 'Here she comes' and that is dying
Henry Scott Holland
I am so thankful to know that our loved ones who have passed before us were there to greet Whitni! One of her concerns was that she wouldn't know anyone when she passed. Nobody really close to her has died. We reminded her of Charlton, and her baby that was miscarried. I know they were both there to greet her and welcome her back to her heavenly home! I'm know the Lord will tell her, "Well Done thou good and faithful servant." She was an example of goodness to the end! We love you Whitni!!
Jill, I know you have heard this a million times in the past few weeks, but you are truly an amazing person! You are such a good friend to everyone around you! You have been quite the example.
couple things: Love the pic of Andi and the industrial strength glue gun!! ;)
and Love the poem! awesome, and so Perfect.
i agree, your GREAT friends are also my good friends! ;) I lucked out having a great sister! love you and hope everyone is doing good.
Jill, over the years since I met you as a missionary, you have went through so much and many close to you have passed away. You are such an amazing, strong and full of joy and happiness person. I would love to have more people like you out there. You are awesome and we love you. With the gospel in our lives, we're grateful to have comfort in knowing we'll see our beloved soon.
It's an absolutely BEAUTIFUL casket, and what a neat experience for you guys to be able to work on it together. LOVE that poem, and I am going to share it with another friend right now who just lost her husband.
I know you don't know me, and I hope you don't mind if I comment on your blog :) My husband and I have known Jared since before he was born :D I love him like my own. We were at Whitni's funeral and commented on the beautiful casket. When Rob (Jared's dad) told us that Whitni's friends made it, were were so touched! It was such a tender thing to do for her and the family. Also the musical number was so touching, as was your pray at the luncheon. Whitni was an amazing, one of a kind woman- but I can see that her group of friends made her the woman she was. xoxoxoxoxo
Her casket is absolutely beautiful.
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