Well, we made it! Our adventures on St. Maaten are officially over! It was sad to say good bye! But we are definitely ready for the next chapter of life! Here is a picture of Kimber and Holdyn... at the hotel before we ventured home. They were exhausted before we even began the day of traveling.Holdyn was a champ! She pulled her luggage along beside us and really did well on the planes!
Here we are in Puerto Rico on the way home. After 13 hours in the air we finally arrived in Las Vegas and drove 2 hours to our new home!
Ben and I bought this truck the day after we arrived. It is SOOO nice to have room in the vehicle again. We've been scrunched in our little island getz we forgotten how nice it can be to stretch out! We got such a great deal on it we couldn't turn it down. It is a 2006 F-150 Lariat. We LOVE it! Sadly Ben only got to enjoy it for a couple of days. He had to fly off to Dallas, TX for a review course before he takes the USMLE Step #1. I dropped him off in Las Vegas on Sunday and we are sure missing him! Hopefully the next 7 weeks fly by :)
Holdyn LOVES her Aunt Mindy. (I'm sure Mindy won't be happy about this picture But oh well :) We went to lunch today and Holdyn was being her little shadow. Copying everything she said and did. It is great!
Here is an evening in the back yard. We had some of my brothers and sisters over with their kids for an evening. Holdyn isn't sure how to act around all these kids! She is the little one standing in the center of the picture watching the swings and trampoline. She just stood there and watched all the excitement around her and she wasn't sure what to do.
We got to visit Great Grandma and Grandpa Carr.
Anyway, we're here and doing well...but sure missing Ben! This weekend I am traveling up to Salt Lake City to visit my Grandma and also the Palmer's (Charlton's family). It should be a good trip. I'll try to remember to keep taking pictures :)
Yah! I was hoping you would update, now that you are home! Can't wait to hang out some more! See you at lunch tomorrow! Yum-yum!
So are you going to live in Saint George? That would be awesome! It would be fun to get a group together and let our kids play!!!
Glad you made it home safe and getting life back to normal. Good luck surviving without Ben for 7 weeks. At least your back with family now.
um, yeah maybe there was a better pic you could of posted of holdyn and me!! i look pretty retarted....maybe i look like that all the time..?
I'm so glad you guys are back safe and loving it! So, you are obviously in STG now, but where will you be making home? I would totally love to see you and meet your kids. We need to do a lunch or something. I would love to get together with Mindy too. I can't even remember that last time I saw her... maybe HS. Email me and lets plan it pameladana@gmail.com
Hip hip hurray! I am so glad you are back. It is so much fun to see you again. I am so glad you are my mom:)
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