Happy Birthday to you....Happy Birthday to You. Happy Birthday Dear Jacob. Happy Birthday to you! Hope that your homemade icecream cake that you make turns out good! Have a great day!
Wednesday, February 28, 2007
Happy Birthday Jacob
Posted by
Cluff Family
2:24 PM
Saturday, February 24, 2007
Grand Case
Sorry, no embarassing stories or crazy things have happend in the last few days. We'll work on it for next time. Today we headed out to another new beach called Grande Case. Here is Holdyn kicking it under her umbrella. She keeps an eye
on our bags and gear while I go swimming/snorkeling. . .she is such a good little helper. Here is Holdyn with little Aubrey. Aubrey's older sister AnnaBelle is in the back. So I'm not the best photographer. Anyway, we had a fun morning.
Here is a picture of little Holdyn after she was attacked and feasted upon by the mosquito's and sand fleas. YIKES!! We bombed the apartment today, and cloroxed her mattress and crib. So hopefully we've gotten rid of the problem...poor gal. But she doesn't seem to complain much.
Here is one more picture of Holdyn and her little gal pal, Aubrey. We went to the Joseph's home for dinner last Sunday. It was fun to get to know some of the other members in our branch.
Posted by
Cluff Family
11:12 AM
Wednesday, February 21, 2007
Doing my part to stop alcoholism....
Okay, so this is really one of my most embarrassing moments!! If you are not sitting down you might want to. So in the states you go to the grocery store and they occasionally have sample tables. You know the ones with toothpicks stuck into the bitsized piece of chicken or the little plastic cups filled with chex mix.....well, in the caribbean they only have these sample tables with the latest and most expensive alcoholic invention. Free samples to all no matter what age....Captain Jack Sparrow says it best..."Welcome to the Caribbean!"
I was at the grocery store yesterday pushing the cart along when Holdyn decides to start fussing. She was in her carseat attached to the front of the cart, facing me. So I start making funny faces and talking to her when suddenly out of nowhere I hear and feel a .... "Bump...roll.....crash.... crash ....shatter....crash....and splash!" You guessed it! While I was having an intense baby talk session with Holdyn, the cart I was pushing somehow bumped into the sample table with the fine alcoholic beverages! The rolling was the sound of the display bottles of liquor rolling to their destruction on the tile floor! That'll make them think twice before they decide to do free samples of that stuff again!
Just doing my part! "If you can't beat 'em.....Break 'em" Hope you all get a good laugh out of this....I do now, but I wanted to cry yesterday!
I offered to pay for it and clean it up but I think they just wanted me out of there.
Posted by
Cluff Family
8:23 AM
Saturday, February 17, 2007
Nettle Bay & Friar's Bay
Posted by
Cluff Family
10:03 AM
Friday, February 16, 2007
Day With Dad
Posted by
Cluff Family
3:36 PM
Thursday, February 15, 2007
Happy Day after Valentines
We hope you had a great Valentines Day! We sure did. We went to a Thai Restraunt that was YUMMY!! Holdyn did great playing with the chopsticks and keeping the workers entertained with cheesy grins. This is her in her new island apparal that we picked up in Phillipsburg. Isn't she a perfect little island girl!
Posted by
Cluff Family
7:40 AM
Sunday, February 11, 2007
I finally got pictures of our church building. I just remembered as we were getting ready to pull out of the parking lot...but hey, at least I remembered.
Posted by
Cluff Family
9:47 AM
Saturday, February 10, 2007
Baie Rouge
Hello!!! Holdyn and I just got back from our new beach adventure with the SO (Spouses Organization). If you'd like to see more info about the places we go click on "St. Maarten Island" under the "website Favorites" to the left of the page. You can go to the beaches tab across the top of that page and find the map of the beaches....just click on the beach you want. But, I must also warn you there might be some risky pictures. Well today we went to Baie Rouge.....it's supposedly GREAT for snorkeling.... there are some caves you can explore. So we'll take you there next month dad! We had a blast and Holdyn made some more friends. This is Payton giving Holdyn a sandy smooch on the forehead. He is sure a cutie!
This is our new keyboard that Ben got for me yesterday in Phillipsburg......Happy Valentines to me! Now I can practice the music for church. Since we didn't have a hymnbook at home I downloaded some of the songs from the internet and I've been practicing with my laptop in front of me......looks a little technical, but it's not cause I figured it out. You also might be wondering what I'm wearing.....well, it is the most comfortable island version of a moo moo thing you could get...it's cool and comfortable for those lazy island evenings.
Posted by
Cluff Family
9:44 AM
Friday, February 9, 2007
Mullet Beach
The Waves were really big too. I only got rolled up in them a couple of times...leaving my swimsuit and hair full of sand!!! I'm supposed to get better about swimming in them so I don't look like such a tourist.....I do fine when I get out a little way....just swimming into the peaking waves...but I always seem to have a problem when I try to get out. I guess I just need more practice.
Anyway, we sure had a fun time....and once again Holdyn was beat!
Posted by
Cluff Family
6:11 AM
Wednesday, February 7, 2007
A day at the Zoo
So...we did what anyone would do and threw them back....Just kidding...but I almost got pegged by rocks they threw a few times...it was a little wierd! We had to run by them and avoid the rocks! This is Ashley with one of her sons by some safer monkeys. They are from Minnesota.
Posted by
Cluff Family
11:03 AM
Tuesday, February 6, 2007
A Little about Us
We have a lot of fun when we all get together. Ben was born in San Diego, CA and is also from a great family. He has 7 brothers and sisters. I think there are 22 grand kids on that side. He is from Fredonia, AZ where he graduated from Fredonia High School and attended Dixie as well, then on to Northern Arizona University in Flagstaff, AZ. Ben served a mission in Brisbane, Austraulia where he made a lot of great friends and memories. Sorry, I don't have a picture of the Cluff family...HINT HINT!!
Well, Ben and I are also blessed to have a 3rd family, The Palmer's! I was married to the amazing and hillarious Charlton Robert Palmer on Sept. 25, 2004. We were able to spend just over 4 great months as
companions when Charlton went home to our Heavenly Father to continue his mission. He had Cystic Fibrosis, and it eventually got the best of him. He was an optimist to the end!! One of our favorite things to do now as a family is to go to his grave in the Washington Cemetary and make sure it is decorated for the season.
Ben and I were Married in Fredonia, AZ. We moved to Flagstaff, AZ, where Ben continued his education at NAU, and graduated in 2006
. While we were here we found out that we were pregnant.
We made a lot of good friends and great memories in Flagstaff. I worked as a substitute ASL interpreter for the Arizona Schools for the Deaf and blind while Ben attended his classes. When Ben finished up at NAU we moved back to St. George. Where we had our new precious baby girl...Holdyn Lynette. She is named after a little girl I know from my mission...Holdyn Bray, and the middle name is after her Grandma Baker. She is such a wonderful baby. If they are all like her we might have a few more.
Well, just a few days after Christmas, Ben, Holdyn and I packed up and moved to the island of St. Maarten, N.A. in the Caribbean. Ben is a med student here at AUC (American University of the Caribbean) and I am a beach bum....I really feel like I am here on vacation. I've made quite a few friends with girls in the Spouses Organization (all of our husbands are in Med School...so we hardly see them). We get together and go to the beaches, go on daily morning walks, and do all sorts of activities to keep us and our kids entertained. We are doing absolutely great and would love to have as many visitors as we can. Island life is FANTASTIC!!
Posted by
Cluff Family
6:26 AM
Sunday 2/4/07
Posted by
Cluff Family
2:59 AM